The Jesus Training Manual: Operating in Miracles, Signs, and Wonders by Richard Mull

 Christian Ministry - Outside the Box

Richard Mull candidly relates the story of how God broke into his very natural existence in a supernatural way. "The Jesus Training Manual" is made up of two parts: Mull's personal encounter with God and the Biblical foundations for experiencing the God of the Bible, hearing His voice, walking in His authority and power, and finding His will for your life.

Mull advocates that God still works in the realm of the miraculous, that demons are real and we can know how to deal with them. He gives Biblical principles and truths about the Kingdom of God, healing, spiritual battles, and our spiritual armor for fighting those battles.

I found the study questions at the end of each un curso de milagros practical, probing, and heart searching, personally opening up the possibility of considering new perspectives on the meaning of discipleship and experiencing Christ's fullness in my walk with Him. These exercises become a vital core to the training manual especially when opportunities are available to discuss in a group or classroom situation along with the supporting material provided in the book's narrative.

Mull's unique story is one of allowing his character to be shaped and reshaped as the result his perseverance in praying to become a transformer of lives through a ministry to individuals tormented by fear, anxiety, depression, and negative thinking. Richard is convinced that when we limit God we are also limiting the extent of our experience with Him. He recaps the price of radically pursuing God. You can expect: rejection from your peers, you will be forced to overcome your skepticism; rethink your theological hang ups, and religious constraints to stand on Biblical principles alone.

I was impressed with illustrations from real life revealing break through in marital and family crisis, healing through deliverance, and stories of ministry in City wide revival, and cooperative youth evangelism and discipleship.

A comprehensive Appendix includes: A Resource List, A Helpful Listing of Passages from the Scriptures on Healing, and A Practical Guide for Personal Healing,

"The Jesus Training Manual: Operating Miracles, Signs, and Wonders" is an excellent resource guide filled with Biblical principles, premises, and promises, selected with care, logically presented reinstating the scriptural basis for New Testament Christianity and Biblical discipleship.

Richard is articulate. His writing is compelling, convincing and convicting. The book is packed with stories of revival, restoration and revolution, as well as the practical lessons Jesus taught His twelve disciples through supernatural experiences of salvation, healing, and miracles.


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